Mark Matthews pushing the limits

photo by: Russel Ord Here's Mark sending it just moments before he had one of the worst wipeouts of the year. This is the best shot I've seen of this wave yet. Read the whole story HERE Check out the video highlights here too:

El Dorado blows its lid!

The Short Eyes The Sanders brothers The Mattson Two Ray Barbee might play better than he skates. Is that even possible? Those Feeling Hands Last Tuesday night the El Dorado got taken over by some of San Diego's best musicians, The Short Eyes and The Mattson Two featuring

Le Blorr @ Saloon in Encinitas

SalOON ^instagram me :P @ CEND_IT Killing it. Full house. This was the kind of night I'm always looking for and go out more than I probably should in search of. I got to meet the legendary photographer Steve Sherman, got my audio senses satisfied by a good

Cinco De Mustache Highlights

Check out the rest of the photos HERE. Be sure to join us again next year for the best ever Cinco de Mustache!

Cinco De Mustache!

Mark your calendars for this years Cinco De Mustache party at the Belly Up Tavern in Solana Beach May 5th. It will undoubtedly be the place to be for everything Cinco De Mayo + Mustaches. Why mustaches you ask? Its just that much more authentic and awesome, duh. I will be

While you were...

Sleeping, brewing your morning coffee, driving to work or do anything else other than enjoying these tasty morsels. Hopefully these photos will allow you to mentally escape from the confines of your cubicle and tickle your brain into changing your routine tomorrow morning ;) Sunrise offshore winds :P Erik Hjermstad stoked!