downtown san diego

A collection of 3 posts

Photo Shoot w/ Nicole Kay Clark

Recently I did a photo shoot for Odina Surf with @nicolekayclark. After we powered through the shoot we got a few cool shots outside the studio walls.

El Dorado blows its lid!

The Short Eyes The Sanders brothers The Mattson Two Ray Barbee might play better than he skates. Is that even possible? Those Feeling Hands Last Tuesday night the El Dorado got taken over by some of San Diego's best musicians, The Short Eyes and The Mattson Two featuring

TP 2/5/12

Yesterday mornings high tide couldn't prevent the strong offshore winds from making some very photographic barrels. The water was close to clear enough for one of these. Barrel pads opposed to Lilly pads These guys always come to say hi, } on ? } MOre to come later this week #nonstopwaves