san diego

A collection of 9 posts


Sometimes, you just need a place to go to get your mind right and relax. Lately, for me, that place has been Rockpile in Solana Beach. More often than not, you'll catch me surfing, but sometimes I go just to catch the view and put pen to paper.

Blacks in Black and White 1/24/13

This guy was swimming slowly at the surface with his eyes almost closed, until he nearly ran into me. This guy was ordered to swim in after this, which he did. The guy who almost got hit said I should entitle this "The Dangers of Surfing Blacks" This

Muse in SD


While you were...

Sleeping, brewing your morning coffee, driving to work or do anything else other than enjoying these tasty morsels. Hopefully these photos will allow you to mentally escape from the confines of your cubicle and tickle your brain into changing your routine tomorrow morning ;) Sunrise offshore winds :P Erik Hjermstad stoked!

Foggy fog

Fog fog, go away come again some other day when the waves have gone away.

San Diego Sessions

Finally got to shoot some decent waves with my new port and lens (17-40mm) stoked to be shooting with it. I think im gonna have to get a new camera soon though...getn a bit kooky.

Cardiff 8/30/09

All sorts o steez.. Cardiff lady get'n stylish. Christo. High FIVE! Billy getn agro.